Katya Cazar Almache


Curator & Artist

Curator in residence from 18 November to 12 December 2024

Katya Cazar is a visual artist from Cuenca, with practical and theoretical training in contemporary art. She has had several solo and group exhibitions in the country and abroad, including solo exhibitions in Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and the United States. She holds a degree in Visual Arts from the University of Cuenca (Ecuador, 1995). Master in Cultural Studies from the University of Azuay (Ecuador, 2000), Certified in Museum Management and Cultural Heritage by the American Museum Program (USA, 2015) and is a PhD candidate in the visual arts program at the Complutense University (Madrid, Spain, since 2019).

Throughout two decades she has maintained an active career as an artist and independent curator. She has been invited to teach undergraduate and graduate courses at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Cuenca and the University of Azuay. She is a member of IKT, a group of curators from Europe and Latin America, member of the advisory board of the Tinkuy Foundation, art and education program, Quito. Member of the Casa de la Cultura since 2000. In 2013 she advised with inputs and concepts the creation of the Universidad de las Artes, Ministerio de Cultura.

From 2013 to 2015 she worked as artist, curator and executive director of the Fundación Municipal de la Bienal de Cuenca; thus, she was curator of the exhibition "Atrabiliario" of the 11th Cuenca Biennial (2011); director of the 12th Biennial (2014), and today she is the director of the 15th Biennial edition 2021-2022.

In collaboration with Pro Helvetia South America


Egor Tatarenko


Ana Matey