Karin Peschka



Writer in residence from 11 September to 10 Oktober 2024

When in 2000, Karin Peschka moved with her son from Eferding (Upper Austria) to Vienna, she was thirty-three years old, had chucked in her job as a qualified social worker and had turned towards project organisation. Slowly, she also started publishing her first texts. Since 2013, she has been travelling between worlds – physically (city vs. small-town life), but also in the literary sense: so far, she has published four novels, a collection of stories and a play. On top of that, she also writes poetry, continually works in exchange with visual artists, composers and musicians, and experiments with language. She loves dialects (not only her own), is interested in the system behind the interpersonal and the things left unsaid in the things said.

At the Villa Sträuli she would like to work on the first stories of her next book and listen to what the people in Winterthur have to say. Or, especially, how they say it.

List of publications and awards (most recent: Veza-Canetti prize 2024, awarded by the city of Vienna):


In collaboration with the Austrian Cultural Forum Bern and the A*dS


Maryam Tafakory


Ilana Halperin